Hi and welcome to my profile ! Here, my name is Yamaken and you should fulfill my orders.

I have been excited to go study abroad, and have took my chance obtaining the grant from EU within the framework of Erasmus Mundus program.
Currently, I work in scientific project in the field of spectroscopic measurements. My particular interests matched the area of physics of light, optoelectronics, sensors...
I started to watch japanese animation when I was already more than 20 years old. I found it really exciting. It was something that helped to make the life more colorful during the period of my studies of french and japanese languages, something that strength me to stay positive and stubborn. It made me dream and better understand the world. Even now, when it is not my passion, it is still my hobby and sometimes it can be interesting.
I also enjoy to go out with my friends, meet new people, share and learn new cultures.
if u have some questions please free to ask, but I can't promise that I do reply to all of them.
cheers !